The EDIT function on The Standard SWF Embroidery Machine Control Panel
Osman Bayrak
How do I use the EDIT function on a SWF Standard Commercial Embroidery Machine control panel?
Here is a training video that can show you how to use the EDIT function on your SWF standard commercial embroidery machine control panel. This control panel is different than the embroidery machine LCD control panel that is popular now. Every embroidery machine has a control panel that controls the machine and they may look different but actually have most of the same functions. All embroidery machines control panels including Tajima, SWF, HAPPY, Melco and Toyota embroidery machines and at least a LED read out or a LCD readout.
Even if you have a SWF compact machine or a new machine with the LCD control panel, all of the functions are the same as the standard, you just have the bonus of seeing your design sew. The Embroidery Machine Training DVD set could really help you understand these functions because it's not about "where the buttons are" it's about "what these button do!!"
What can the EDIT function do for me in me and increase my embroidery productivity?
The EDIT function allows you to speed up or slow down your machine in the control panel so that is copies those settings for every additional design you sew. This is helpful for doing jacket backs with large areas of fill that you wish your machine would just automatically speed up in that area and then slow down when it gets to the tight satin stitches or run stitches. This is a function that is in both the standard machine and the compact machines and is usually overlooked or people just don't know about it. This video alone could INCREASE your productivity by a lot. Learn to get your embroidery designs sewing faster with better quality. This EDIT function is just one of the functions you will learn about in the SWF Machine Training DVD set that I offer.